Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mr. Eden's Little Man Birthday

The first birthday is very important to me.  It's a big milestone that should be celebrated!   I know that people mumble "the party is more for you than the baby" or " he/she won't even remember it".  I say "nay" to those people!  To me, it's one of the big birthday celebrations to have in life!  So with that I present to you:

Eden's 1st birthday party... 

We had a few themes we liked but kept going back to one (thanks to a certain Ms.Not-Much-Longer Liu who turned me onto the mustache craze and has been pinning the cutest mustache items on Pinterest).  We celebrated Eden's birthday with a... Little Man themed party!  Eden has always been affectionately called 'Mr.Man' by us and close friends since he was a few days old.  I guess you could say he's always had a very gentleman-like demeanor.  As per last month's post, I have been quite sick, so much of the planning and shopping has been done online.  MissE had the biggest laugh at all the 'mustache' items coming in the post.  Actually, she giggles her head off if you even say the word 'mustache' so she has been excited to see the party take shape and celebrate with her brother (read: blow out his candles and eat his cake)!

The Invitation

We had 60 guests due to a few illnesses/ delayed flights, while I would have loved to have those guests celebrate with us, I didn't mind a smaller number!

Dressed to Impress
While I bought Mr.E's "Spunky Tuxedo" overalls from a local store Little Yoyo Styles ($11!), I made MissE's mustache shirt.  I love the sleeve mustache!
Birthday Boy!

Feels like Home
I always want my parties to look fantastic but also feel homemade.  Parties-in-a-box are great but just not "me".  I decided on simple decorations: metres and metres of homemade bunting in fabrics that matched the homemade bow-ties on the goodie bags and balloons because what one year old doesn't love balloons?  By the way, anyone want the bunting?  It's yours!

I took photos of Eden each month leading up to 1.  I printed these off to create a "1" collage.  Guests enjoyed seeing how Eden has grown through the months.

I also found these mustache mirror clings.  It made trips to the toilet a bit of fun!

Zhua Zhou
We also decided to do a Zhua Zhou, which translates "to pick" and "first anniversary".  The activity is held on the child's first birthday.  In the activity, objects are placed on a tray and the object a child picks can indicate his or her future career and personality traits.  The history on this tradition can be read here.

I took a photo of Eden with each time to display and as part of a game for our guests.  I created a raffle ticket for guests to write their name down and drop their ticket into the bowl in front of a photo they thought Eden might choose first.  I then picked a name from that bowl.  The winner received a Gingerbreadman cookie cutter!

Picking Items (in no particular order)
Money = Finance sector or wealth
Stethoscope= Doctor or Medical Profession (like Pau-pau)
Cooking Pans= Chef or Good cook (like Gung-Gung and Nanny)
Drums= Musician (like Parps)
Cricket bat= Athlete (like Daddy)
Swim goggles = Swim like a fish (like Mama)
Globe= Traveller (like Mama and Daddy)
Gavel= Lawyer

With guests gathered around, Mr.H let Eden go!  I sat behind the items so he would crawl towards me. His first try, he crawled OVER all the items!  He was very proud of himself and giggled.  Take 2:  Daddy crawled with him and he reached for the cooking pan, turned to his guests and showed it to them with a big smile so... A MASTERCHEF!

Second, he briefly picked up the swim goggles but we already knew he is a little fish!

While this is not a Shiu family tradition, it was great fun and a wonderful way to share Eden's Chinese background.

Mr.H and I had a difficult time deciding on the menu.  What threw us off was that it's a Winter party so while BBQ was still an option, we just wanted belly-warming food.  For the adults, we went with 'East Meets West' (a very broad East): we did have the zhua zhou ceremony which you customarily eat long-life noodles after so for the adults:
Green salad
Cha Siu (pork)
Thai Chicken Curry
Indian Beef Tikka
Jasmine Rice
Singapore Noodles
Spring rolls

Little Men and Little Ladies dined on:
'Little Boys' or pigs in a blanket
'Little Man-wiches' (cheese, vegemite and fairy bread.  The usual crowd pleasers)
'Bow tie' Mac 'n Cheese in bite sized portions
'Wet Your Whistle' juice bottles

Chef Conor earned rave reviews while the little gentlemen and little ladies praised me!

Let 'em Eat Cake!
As I said before, I love making the birthday cake.  Mr.E got his own "smash" cake too.  I made his cake from a tin can, yes a tin can!  My pans were too large and I didn't want to purchase a new pan for one time use so I looked online and found a tutorial on how to do it.  Too easy!  I love the look of the ruffle cake on Pinterest.  I used blue 'perfect cupcake frosting'*for a more 'masculine' look.  The 'ruffles' were incredibly easy too.
* I tried a new frosting as I don't love working with buttercream and HATE fondant. This frosting was delicious: light, easy to pipe and most importantly, held its shape for that oh-so-perfect cupcake swirl.

He eventually smashed, eating half of the cake!

The large cake was a simple chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.  I used my round cake pan and cut the cake, once cooled, into one side of a mustache, repeat for the other side of the mustache, and joined with frosting.  Cute!

Photo Booth Fun
I don't think Photo Booths are just for weddings.  I found FREE printables online to make this a cheap and fun activity for our guests.  I found this fabric on Spoonflower to use as a backdrop.

And because our guests RSVP'ed via email, I was able to email copies of photos with an e-thank you card within a few days!

Jumping Beans
Thank goodness for the blue skies!  There were a lot of little men and little ladies in attendance.  So to keep the older ones occupied, we were able to use our 'splurge' purchase: a jumping castle and slide!  This bad boy can be used all year-round.  During the Winter, we filled the 'pool' with balls and as is.  But for the hot Australian Summer, it is waterproof and comes equipped with a water hose to shoot water from the top of the slide for a very slippery dip.

Mr.H also quickly put together a sand pit (or Eloise's beach) which the younger guests loved!

Hot Chocolate Bar
I love hot chocolate, especially on cold winter days.  It was a perfect way to stay warm for a winter birthday party. We had warm milk in an urn and I made chocolate blocks on a Popsicle stick in dark, milk and white chocolate to stir in! Toppings on offer: caramel marshmallows, marshmallow sticks, mini M&M's, colored mini chocolate chips, and rainbow sprinkles.

Along with the hot chocolate, we offered a Nescafe range to adults.  I was lucky enough to be chosen as part of a marketing trial for Nescafe.  They sent me 100 coffee sachets to trial so there was plenty to go around!  As long as the coffee drinkers logged on and provided a review after, that is!

How else would a little man enjoy his big day?  With chocolate cigars, placed in a vintage cigar box (thanks eBay!)

Time Capsule
This was a last minute addition, but I love it.  It makes me a bit teary!  I saw it on Pinterest, of course!  Instead of a signing book, we asked guests to write a note to Eden.  He will open this on his 18th (or 21st) birthday.  I also included the birthday invitation, birthday cards received and the photos from the "1" collage post-party.  I thought this was such a special keepsake for him to have.  I would of loved to have one for Eloise at her 1st birthday.
*His Pau-pau, Gung-gung, Yi-mah, Tai Pau and G.A.B will write him a message during our visit or via email which will also be placed in the time capsule.

I'd love to stay and chat but I really "mustache"!
Adult guests departed with mustache cupcakes or cookies* with "I'd love to stay and chat but I really "mustache" tags.
The cupcakes were vanilla or chocolate with a blue frosting swirl
and topped with a chocolate mustache.
Goodie Bags
 Our little men and little ladies departed with handmade bow-tie favour bags filled with goodies: Sippah straw, chocolate mustache lollipop, and bowtie'd cookie men!
The cookies baking

*The cookies: cut-out cookies have always been my cooking Everest. I couldn't do it. My dough was never 'right', the dough would stick to the cookie cutters no matter how much flour I dumped on it, etc. Then I found this recipe. There's a reason it's called the 'Best Ever Rolled Sugar Cookie'. It took me straight back to SMHS canteen at morning break. And cookie cutters worked a dream! The mustache cookies were Munchstaches by Fred and the 'men's' bowties were made with a mini-M&M and heart shaped sprinkles.

I wasn't sure we were going to get there, but we did it!  (Mr.H had been busy working on the office, home theatre and deck).  I know, you are thinking "You were sick and on a limited time, why didn't you just keep it simple?"  I don't think it's in my being to 'do simple'!  I'll admit it, some nights I was up well past midnight with my sewing machine whirling, but to me it's worth it... But seriously, thank goodness there is not another party to host in our calendar for a while!

Post script: Mr.H is a glutton for punishment. He came home on Monday and asked me if we wanted to have our not-so-annual Halloween party!


  1. OH my gosh, I am so impressed. As usual, you knocked this party out of the park. Holy cow!

    1. P.S. Happy belated birthday Eden! You look very dapper in your new digs!
