Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hong Kong 2013

SYD - HKG (A380)

I am so grateful to my company for allowing me to assist on an educational course to Hong Kong.  It was an interesting learning experience for me; as I quickly learned that cadaveric courses are all not like our learning labs in Australia!  I also learned that my Cantonese is rusty.  But at least I tried!

This trip also offered a chance to see my extended family.  But it meant I spent 10 days away from Eloise and Eden, the longest I have been away from either.  While Eloise was more than happy for the 10 days without me (see November post), poor Eden didn’t cope as well – opting to sleep with his bedroom door open with the hopes I would come home in the middle of the night.  I have to admit, although I was a bit unsure as to what to do with so much silence at first, I enjoyed my mini-break. 

You may not know this about me, but I spent a lot of my childhood in Hong Kong , even calling it home for a few years.  Two of my fondest memories were going to “Ma Lau Shan” (Monkey Mountain in Kam Shan Country Park) with my Auntie Madina and Uncle Augustine to feed the monkeys.  And the other was riding the cable cars to Ocean Park, the only way in and out of the fun park.  I let 11 year pass since my last visit to Hong Kong and it is nearly unrecognizable now!  Feeding the monkeys is now illegal; and I am quietly relieved after having monkeys jump out the bushes at me in Agra, India.  And while I was able to ride the cable cars at Ocean Park, they now have a much more efficient train in and out.

So without further ado, my “work-holiday” mostly in photos:
*Note: Sorry, no photos of work will be posted (medical images).

Day 1: Hello Hong Kong!

I arrived in the late afternoon.  It was a pleasant flight with a full row to myself!  After watching a few movies, I really had no idea what to do with myself considering I didn't have to answer rapid fire questions for the last 10 hours.  Only "What would you like for lunch?" and "Tea or coffee?"  Life with a 4 year old girl.

Eating, right away! Explore the Hyatt Regency Sha Tin later!
Kaya Korean BBQ
On the drive back to the hotel, we passed my grandma’s old place on Waterloo Road, now an unrecognizable green.  I have many fond memories there: lying in my grandma’s bed listening to the planes overhead and walking to the corner shop with Ah-mah and always talking her into an ice cream or a soy bean drink.

Although it was 3am in Australia for me, I managed a welcome drink with a co-worker.
I will definitely pass on this beer next time!  Yuck!
Day 2:
While today was technically a working day for me, I had the morning to myself… after a FaceTime with Eloise who I had to show my hotel room to (we sure named her correctly!) and Eden who was looking for me but “I can’t find you!” (transcript below).  I managed to get in a swim and leisurely (Chinese) breakfast.
25m pool
FaceTime with Eden
Eden: Hi mama! Where are you?
Me: Hi buddy!  I’m in the hotel.
Eden: I looking for you.  I can’t find you.
Me:  I’ll be home in a few days.
Eden: Are you on airplane?
Me: No, I’m at the hotel.
Eden: Oh, you on airplane?
Me: No, I’m in the hotel.
Eden: You on airplane?
Me: Okay, I’m on the airplane.
Eden: Smiling. I love you!  BE. BACK. SOON.  (While pointing his finger)

That evening, we had a welcome dinner and I was excited to dine on the famous Peking duck at Sha Tin 18 Restaurant.
We would like to see him in surgery… butcher knife and all!

Day 3:
I love jook for breakfast!
Today was spent working... and unfortunately, an incident I passed off as nothing was a catalyst for new footwear for 3-6 weeks.  I was waiting for a few late arrivals via taxi in front of the specialist clinic.  There were very few people around, yet this woman (a rather large one) walked straight into me.  Luckily, I caught myself from falling but ouch!  It sure hurt.  The show must go on… and I ignored it, getting through the day. 

That evening I got to have fun!  We went to Ocean Park’s Halloween Fest.  Okay, you know I am not a chicken… but seriously, Ocean Park can do scary.  They had multiple haunted houses with dark corners and creatures of night jumping at you.  The best was Law Lan's Possessed Possessions.
Pumpkin Creation Lab
K-Pop Madness 
Ocean Park cable car
Old Hong Kong filled with food stalls
Facing my fears (FreakMob 2013)
Even the M&M Crash the Monster Party haunted house was scary!
After a few hours on my feet, and tripping on a raised curb post riding The Hair Raiser, I felt my right foot toes seize up.  I thought maybe it was a toe cramp and limped back to the hotel.  Putting my feet up at the hotel, I noticed my right foot was now completely bruised and swollen.  I iced it overnight and hoped for the best… but the best didn’t happen.

Day 4:
My foot was still swollen and bruised but I limped through most of the day.  At lunch time, a few of the orthopaedic surgeons (who better to be surrounded by) noticed my limp and were more than happy to look at my foot (much to my embarrassment).  So we swung a C-arm around and up my foot went.  Diagnosis: broken toe!  The poor little piggy that had none gets the short end of the stick again!

Towards the end of the day, I headed to Hong Kong –side to have proper x-rays done on my toe.  Luckily for me, our meeting place was the Mandarin Oriental Hotel where I got to indulge in Afternoon Tea (one of my favourite things to do in Hong Kong).
High Tea at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel 
With my family, no trip to Hong Kong is complete without needing a visit to the Hong Kong Sanatorium Hospital (amazingly enough, they still had my hospital records from when I was 3 year thought I could fly off a slide.  I can’t fly, by the way).  Thank goodness for family!  No one was worried because I was in good hands so a short time later, out I “walked” in a plaster cast and crutches with the promise that it was only overnight.

Day 5:
The morning was spent at the hospital for an orthopaedic shoe fitting, my footwear for 3-6 weeks.
Left photo: C-Arm x-ray/ Right photo: my Aircast
That evening I enjoyed dinner with my co-workers and some seriously yummy food.
City Art Restaurant Sha Tin 

Day 6:
After my last work day done and dusted, came celebration shopping!  Chrissy and I really tried to put a good effort in but only made it to one store, Sasa – cosmetics paradise.  Auntie Marion and Uncle YC invited us to a home-cooked dinner like my dad makes which I was ever so grateful for.
Time Square

Day 7: Work Hard.  Play Harder.
Disneyland train
The handles are Mickey Mouse shaped
Today I spent the day at Disneyland Hong Kong, Aircast and all!  I tagged along with my co-worker’s family and we had such a fun day.  We were so glad that we took locals advice to go mid-week because there were no lines… for anything which meant we got to go on rides 2-3 times in a row.
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
Sleeping Beauty's Castle
(And yes, I am wearing a Disney Princess skirt)
Disneyland was also decked out for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, but Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy was pretty scary!  And the exclusive to Disneyland Hong Kong, Toy Story Land is seriously the best.

Me & Buzz Lightyear (I did have the boot after all!)
Cal with Jack Skellington cotton candy

I left my fellow Disney-goers for a solid hour of shopping at the stores on Main Street.  
So long, farewell Disneyland Hong Kong!

Day 7: Happy Halloween!
Today I spent the day with Auntie Madina and Auntie Bessie.  We started the morning at The Peak Lookout and Madame Tussaud's.

View from the top
Obama, I'm going to have to go ahead and ask you to...
Next was lunch at the Hong Kong Jockey Club where I stuffed myself silly with dim sum and hand-pulled noodles (SOOO good).
Chef making my noodles for me.  Literally.
After visiting the Disney Store and being disappointed the princess dresses were even more expensive than Disney princess dresses in Australia, Chrissy aided by her co-workers with little girls was able to track down markets, selling princess dresses.  YAY!   Auntie Madina and Auntie Bessie were great at helping me bargain down to $10-15 a dress!  (My Chinglish would have failed miserably).
I love the sights and sounds (and smells) of markets
We refreshed after shopping at the Shangri-La Hong Kong Island and met again later that evening for dinner at the Hong Kong Golf Club with Uncle Augustine. 
High Tea, The Shangri-La Hong Kong Island
Day 8: My last full day in Hong Kong
I spent the morning in scenic Stanley.  Unfortunately, the markets here were tourist prices so I annoyingly overpaid for a few tee-shirts.
In the afternoon, Auntie Madina took me to Kowloon via the Star Ferry.

And finally, we had one last dinner to say “until next time” before departing the next day.
Great food, even better company

Day 9: Goodbye Hong Kong!
My last few hours in Hong Kong were spent hitting a few more shopping spots and a yummy lunch Tsui Wah Restaurant.
One more milk tea

Day 10: Home Sweet Home
I was greeted by this:

Here were Eloise and Eden busy creating the day before my arrival: 
Eden creating his Kellyville Pet (shop) inspired welcome home sign
Eloise hard at work
Without this sounding like an Oscar’s acceptance speech, a big thank you to all my family in Hong Kong who were so hospitable and understanding with me and my broken toe.  I really did have a fantastic time and hope that 11 years doesn’t go by again without me returning.  I hope its 11 months!  Hugs and kisses to you all!

Follow-up: After 2 weeks, I was given clearance to wear REASONABLE matching shoes again as long as the toe was taped to the little piggy that had roast beef!  After 3 weeks, I am more comfortable in my shoes but am still limping.  And finally at 5 weeks, I am almost there… just can’t quite get into heels yet (bummer for Christmas party season).

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