Saturday, February 4, 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge Day #4

Day #4: A Stranger
This one was hard.  I didn't happen to go out anywhere public and was scratching my head at how to apply this photograph around the home.  I thought about things I find strange... or movies with 'stranger' in the title (like The Strangers which I am too chicken to watch) but I don't think that's what the challenge means.  I was going to cheat and photograph the letter "A" from another challenge a few Facebook friends are doing but then the fabric store that is doing this challenge too posted a photo of an iron.  This is what I was trying to get at!
So what has been a stranger to me?  My journal.  And I wish it wasn't.  For a very long time it was a constant companion to me, bad and good are written in there.  My last entry was 6+ months ago to marked Mr.E's arrival... and tellingly, incomplete!

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