Friday, February 17, 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge Day #16

Day #16: Something new
An excuse to go shopping!  Funnily enough, I can't remember the last time I bought something for myself... seriously I think it was when I was pregnant with Mr.E?  Anyway, I was browing Target last week and happened to walk through the women's department on the way to children's shoes (I can't keep up with MissE's feet!).  I caught a glimpse of a very cute handbag and had to have a closer look.  It ticked multiple boxes for me:
  • Pockets (I need as many pockets as possible to put my car keys in a different one every time) = Check
  • Shoulder/ cross-body (I need my hands to push the pram, hold Eloise's hand and hold my coffee... oh wait, now I have too many hands.  No wonder Eloise wants to be an octopus) = Check
  • Will fit diaper and wipes = Check
Behind me was the Price Check and drum roll... $20!  Get outta here!  Bargain!  I considered it a done deal!

Today as I carried my new bag into work I got not one but three "Who makes that?" "What brand is that?" "Where did you get it?"  Gotta love Target!

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