Saturday, February 11, 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge Day #12

Day #12: My closet
Don't mind if I do!  I couldn't get my closet in one shot so I took several photos of it from different angles inside and out.  I know, BIG problem, right?  (Just wait until you see my Linen Closet!)M
Top left: my side (I love my handbag display!  I have grown out of my bag collecting days but I still boast Botkier, Bottega, Coach, Louis Vuitton x 3, Prada and Il Tutto diaper bag)
Top right: A few of my clothes and Mr.H's side
Bottom left: Mr.H's side with hooks for more of my handbags (hee, hee) and my shoes
Bottom right: Yes I have a wall of shoes and that's only some of them... and after the New Year clean up too.

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