Monday, January 16, 2012

Hello Kitty Birthday Party

For MissE's fabulous THIRD birthday, we had a Hello Kitty Birthday Party!  What little girl (and big girl) doesn't love Hello Kitty?

It started with a cake...
A few months ago, we skipped hosting our not-so-annual Halloween party (difficult with a 3 month old) and decided to have a third birthday party for MissE.  I showed her a few cakes and she fell in love with a Hello Kitty cake so decision made: Hello Kitty party!

The invitation (designed by me!)
The Big Day!
The day was finally here!  Oh what fun we had!  There was Hello Kitty colouring pages, XBox 360 Kinect and wii Mario Kart for the big kids and a piñata for all ages!
Goodie Bags for MissE's guests

What's inside: Hello Kitty (girls) or Angry Bird (boys), bubbles, mini Play-doh and candy


Hello Kitty sushi

Slider Burgers

Strawberry Lemonade in glass mini-"milk" bottles
Juice Poppers with Eloise's Birthday Nutritional "Facts"
Cake Table
Hello Kitty Cake
Angry Bird Chocolate Cake (for Mr.E's 6 months)

Singing to MissE

The gorgeous layers of the cake

Hello Eloise! 
(Hershey) Kisses from Eloise

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