Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Birthday MissE!

I can't believe my little girl is THREE! She is a beautiful little girl and I am so proud to be her mother!

Here is the link to a mini-slideshow of her adventures over the last year:

For her birthday, she asked to spend the day on the farm (again) with a few of her nearest and dearest (that were not in childcare).  She was also thrilled to bring her birthday present, a kid's camera, to take her own photos of the animals.
Kids Tough Camera takes real photos that you can upload!

First photo... daddy!
The morning was action packed!  First activity was holding chicks, ducklings and bunnies followed by a farm tour to feed the animals.  MissE loved feeding the llamas, pony and mama cow.  She then got to milk a cow, give a baby goat a bottle and finally go on a donkey ride!  Giddy-up!
Golden Ridge Animal Farm (with cousin Harper)

Holding a bunny

Holding a chick (with Calvin)

Foods on!

Feeding the llamas

Moo!  Says the cow

Feeding the ponies (with Matthew and Calvin)

Milking a cow

Giving a baby goat a bottle

Riding Martin the Donkey
After the farm, her friends joined us for cake: a Team Umizoomi cake!

MissE Says the Darndest Things:
MissE kept asking me to wish her a happy birthday which I did.  She would then respond "Why thank you".

MissE asked me how horses kiss.  I responded by slurping/ licking.  She replied "Oh, like Baby Eden".  My response "Yes, exactly".  (Her brother loves to give her wet kisses!)

We are looking forward to celebrating her birthday with extended family and friends on Sunday.

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