Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Straight Outta Pre-school

We had a very special event this month: Eden’s Pre-school (daycare) Graduation!
I made up the "Straight Outta" image and
had it screened onto a plain tee
He’s recently completed his Kindy orientation and is getting excited to start at big school with Eloise.  It will be very strange to no longer be at daycare; he’s been there since he was 16 months!   We’ve had such a lovely experience with the carers and he’s made some wonderful friends.  Eden will miss them dearly come end of January.  (He might not be the only shedding a few tears!)

His class did a dance for us and then were called one by one to receive their certificates.   Each child was asked what they wanted to be when they grow-up; Eden said police officer!

Onto your new adventures at Kindergarten!

While he still has a few weeks’ left there, we decided it was a great time to give the teachers their Christmas presents.  And because they were plants and I definitely do not have a green thumb; it was in my best interest too.  The plants were accompanied with a personalised bucket of M&M’s.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Eden! LOVE that t-shirt. You could make those and sell them!!!
