Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Disney Dream Day 4: Day at Sea

MissE and MrE got a special delivery from our stateroom attendant!
Popcorn and Mickey-shaped treats for all the movies today.
Today is one of the days we had been looking forward to – finally time to do all the stuff we wanted to on the ship!  Well, we did most of the highlights but still ran out of time.  We have to laugh and laugh some more that we went searching for travel board games just in case!  We weren’t going to get called out like we did on RC again. 

Flounder's Melon Boat
We had breakfast at The Royal Palace then went to our Anna & Elsa meet and greet, followed by the Princess meet and greet.  In retrospect, we could have passed on both of these but hey, we didn’t really have to line up like we would at the parks.  We also met Minnie and Mickey too.
Anna and Elsa
Snow White
The Mouse himself - Mickey!
Fun Fact: Disney Dream is the only boat that has 4 captains -
the real captain, Captain Mickey, Captain Hook and Captain Jack Sparrow.
MissE and MrE went to Oceaneers Club where they got to party with Stitch (so cool!) and MrH and I had a brunch date at Remy’s.  I couldn’t contain my excitement!  In fact, I am giving Remy’s its own post because it was that good.  Check out this post for more detail.

After, we played back to back trivia which was funnier than it probably was because we were full of bubbles.  Yes, we re-enacted Titanic for extra points.  We picked up MissE and MrE to have some fun around the ship too. 
Snow White and Dopey

Jasmine and Abu
We spent the remaining part of the afternoon at the pool (finally!)  Unfortunately it was too darn hot so we had trouble being out for too long.  We were able to bribe the kids away with soft serve ice cream.
Mickey's Pool slide
MrH and MissE inside the Aquaduck
Nemo's Reef (splash pad)
Our dinner tonight was in The Enchanted Garden.  We said goodbye to our new friends that we shared a table with for the last few nights.

We watched the final show Disney's Believe* (I am not going to lie, I totally teared up) and finished the night with a sundae from Vanellope’s Sweets.
Vanellope's Race Cart Sundae (pick-your-own ice cream and toppings) 

We had an early night due to our early breakfast time and some final housekeeping.  Plus MrE was so exhausted he fell asleep during the show tonight!
Time to return the Oceaneers Club bands.

 * A small note about the nightly shows as we have been asked about what they were... other than awesome and fun!  They are Disney-themed live shows.  The great thing is that they are often the underrated Disney films and songs (but we still love) and they encourage audience participation.  For the Villains Tonight live show, we were asked to cheer AND boo as loud and often as we pleased! 

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