Wednesday, January 13, 2016

MissE Turns 7!

MissE celebrated her 7th birthday today!  Well, technically it was yesterday but I didn't hit "publish" until today.

I took the day off to celebrate with her and fun we had!  Her best friend was home for her holidays in time to join us at Cable Wake Park in Penrith (45 minutes from home).
We went to the Aqua Park section that consists of inflatable obstacles over a lake so there was only one way off course… in the water!  The weather was perfect for that too; a lovely 39c (102.2F).

The slides were no joke.  They were slippery to get up (with just handles) so we played human bowling a few times and fast.  So fast, my Olympus Tough (with my snorkelling photos from the cruise on them) went flying out of my hands and is now living at the bottom of the lake.  Boo!  I can't do anything about it now but have a pity party.  The most difficult (but hilariously funny) part is pulling yourself up out of the water, wearing bulky life vests, using one very slippery handle.  I felt like a flopping fish but lost all my humility by the end.

Can we go again?  Can we? Can we?

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