Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Eden is 3!

Yay!  It's Eden's Birthday!

Where has the time gone?  Mr E is 3!  Here's how we celebrated his day:
I made him a very special cake.  Do you want to build a snowman?  Some people are worth melting for!
It's Olaf from Frozen
This was his reaction to seeing his cake in the morning!

Eloise and I joined him for his birthday morning tea at daycare.

Eden is so excited to share his cake with his friends
After a special day at school, he opened his presents: a Darth Vader training set and Lego.  Then, we had a birthday dinner at TGI Friday’s.   The highlight of the night was the waiters singing a birthday song to Eden.  The smile on his face was priceless.  (Click "Eden's Birthday Song" below)

Eden's Birthday Song

FINALLY, part of our birthday tradition, here are some photos over the past year – Eden is always happy!  

Music: Happy – Pharrell Williams
His slideshow ties in with his birthday party!  Check out the next post!

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