Friday, January 3, 2014

24 Days of Holly, the Elf on the Shelf

24 days of Holly, the Elf on the Shelf

December 1 – Holly returns with a pancake breakfast!  She brought with her a gingerbread house kit   and advent calendars for Eloise and Eden.
December 2 – Holly adds a star on top of a tree
December 3 – Holly hangs upside down and leaves a note “Merry Christmas! Love, Holly”
December 4 – Superhero flying lessons with Batman
December 5 – Dinosaur races
December 6 – All elves have a sweet tooth.  Holly gets into the lolly jar… or is it Holly?  She’s wearing a moustache!
December 7 – Holly enjoys a bubble bath
December 8 – Holly draws a Rudolph and Santa.
December 9 – It's heating up Down Under.  Holly hides in the freezer with Icy Poles to beat the heart.

December 10 – Share a Coke with Eloise
December 11 – Don’t mess with the Minions bananas!  The Minions have captured the banana thief.
December 12 – Holly enjoys a tea party with Cinderella and Snow White.
December 13 –  Sick day.  Poor Holly!
December 14 – Holly hitches a ride.
December 15 – Holly likes goodie bags too… especially Minion ones.  She must be a bit upset at the Minions still.
December 16 - Holly leaves us due to un-Christmas-like behaviour.
December 17 – Holly is one cheeky elf.  She’s done it again, replacing the stockings with Eloise’s undies
December 18 – Elf Kissing Booth, step right up and take a kiss… Hershey Kiss that is!

December 19 - Story time with Aurora and Ariel
December 20 – We’ve been TP’ed!
December 21 – Who says it doesn’t snow in Australia???
December 22 – Silly faces in Photobooth
December 23 – Holly loves a photo op… Holly as Santa and Crazy Minion as Rudolph.
December 24 – On Holly's last day with us, she reminds us to bake cookies for Santa… chocolate chip, his favourite!

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