Friday, August 31, 2012

Golden Gate Park

San Francisco is one of the best cities to be a tourist!  And because it's been 2 years since I've been here, I get to be a tourist!  While I am here, there have been a few times I chuckle at myself for seeming like tourist (or country bumpkin).  I take photographs of merchandise I find amusing at the grocery store (OMG!  The variety too!) and can spend hours walking around Target (did that a few nights ago!).

Today's post is about Golden Gate Park.  It's a place I remember fondly as a child, feeding ducks at Speckle Lake and rolling down the grassy hills too.  We spent 2 separate days there, visiting the park itself and the next, California Academy of Sciences. 

Conservatory of Flowers
We started the day with a quick visit to Clement Street (a second Chinatown). I haven't been there for a long time and I forgot how much culture is there with delivery men pushing overflowing trolleys, the soya chickens and roast ducks hanging in the windows and the delicious smells! We also went to 6th Avenue Aquarium which was fun for both E's: Eloise loves looking at the brightly colored tropical fish and was amazed to find a shark and stingray! Eden pointed at all the fish and said "shh!"

6th Avenue Aquarium

Hello Sharkee!

We had a (Chinese) picnic (yum, cha siu bao) and enjoyed the sunshine before heading into the Conservatory of Flowers. The special exhibit, Plantosaurus Rex: Prehistoric Plants, which was fun for Eloise. She ran around pushing buttons and watched to see which dinosaur would growl. Eden also joined the fun and growled too!

Conservatory of Flowers

Plantosaurus Rex

Next we headed to Speckle Lake to feed ducks, only there weren't any! Feeding seagulls isn't as fun despite Eloise having the chance to yell "Mine, mine, mine" (Finding Nemo reference).
Sailing at Speckle Lake
We did see a City Dog-walker with 4 Great Danes, 1 Labradoodle and 2 Labradors! So of course we stopped for a pat and lick.

Our final stop was the Bison Paddock. Would you believe in 33 years, I have never seen the buffalo? Well, check that off the list! Both Eloise and Mr.H requested to see the buffalo after reading about them in the M.Sasek This Is San Francisco book. It was a nice way to finish the day!
Where the buffalo roam...

California Academy of Sciences
We spent an afternoon here with my sister a few days later. I haven't been since I was in primary school and then only to the planetarium in high school for Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. I really enjoyed Steinhart Aquarium and MissE's favorite was the Rainforests of the World with all the butterflies! Mr.H liked the Earthquake Exhibit with the Shake House. MissE was brave enough to go in too!


Touch tank

Rainforests of the World
We had an early dinner at San Tung (yum!) and dessert at Polly Ann's.
Waiters top and tailing green beans

Are you brave enough to spin the dial?  I wasn't!

Looks like someone is enjoying her ice cream!

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