Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two E's and Me

First Giggles
Mr.E now weighs 14 lbs and 3 ounces and is 27 inches in length.

Mr.E is a very happy baby.  He smiles a lot and this month brought first giggles!  His first giggle was to being tickled on his neck, subsequent giggles have been to daddy's funny faces/sounds and raspberries.  He can also make raspberries and coo's too!

His temperament is similar to his sister's as a baby.  He is very easy-going, likes his independence and likes to face outwards to take in his surroundings.  He only fusses when he's tired or hot.  I am learning he really does not like to be hot!  It's going to be a difficult summer!

He's trying to be on the move!  He can scoot up and down on his play mat.  I often find he's done a 180 from where I left him for the night.  Silly boy!  He has rolled from his tummy to his back but not back to tummy, although he is starting to work on it.  He can lift up one shoulder and sometimes kicks his legs up enough to tip over to the side, but hasn't made a roll.  His sister was already rolling at 3 months.  I don't mind if Eden takes his time!

Look what I can do!
Unfortunately he caught his 1st cold at 11 weeks.  He had a bad blocked nose.  It was a rough few days and nights for us.  He spent two nights sleeping in his bouncer!  Such is life with a sibling in daycare!

Mr.E attended his first wedding.  He charmed his way around the room and a had a little boogie too.
Nicole & James's Wedding, Monash Country Club
The Life of a Toddler
It was another busy month for us, Mr.H has been hard at work getting our backyard ready for summer and MissE has been helping.
His and Hers drills
Due to Spring Showers, we checked out a new play centre, Kids Play Land, and it was great fun!
Bouncing castle
We also went to the Hornsby Model Engineers (model train club) monthly open, to spend the day riding miniature trains.  We met up with MissE's friends for a family day out, rolling out the picnic blankets!  The Three Musketeers (MissE, Tom and Calvin) had a blast while their siblings enjoyed the bush air.

Just give me a year and I will all over those trains too!

Right now her favourite activity at home is looking through photo albums, especially photos of her as a baby.  She doesn't remember her Big Adventure (San Francisco, London, Paris, and San Diego) at 4.5 months but she loves looking at the photos of her on the London Eye, big red bus, and in front of the Eiffel Tower.  It's given me inspiration to finally put together all the photos I have sitting in a basket!

Curiouser and Curiouser!
MissE asks a lot of questions (not just How Come? See last month's post).  She is very interested in where things come from... do you already see where I am going with this???  She picks up any object and asks where it came from, who bought it for her, if it's a present.  Now she is starting to ask where Baby E came from.  In the time I tried to form an answer to this in my head, she answers with "Mama's tummy?" or sometimes "The hospital?"  Whew!  Just a simple answer will do!

MissE's Reign of Terror
MissE is continuing to test her limits this month.  Every few days, everything and anything results in a tantrum for one whole day.  Asking her to sit down in her chair for dinner leads to not wanting her chair but another chair, once in her chair it leads to wanting to put on the buckles herself and not wanting us to help her, once buckled in it leads to refusal to wear a bib, once in her bib it leads to wanting a different colour fork, once with the fork colour of her choice it leads to complaining that her food is still too hot, once it's cooled and she's eaten, it leads to getting out of her chair and refusing washing her hands, once her hands are washed it leads to wanting to watch a "little bit of TV", once watching TV it leads to wanting to watch "my shows" which are over.  And add in "How come?" in every instance.  I'm exhausted just writing it!  The threat of The Corner seems to always hang in the balance.

Experts say to provide your toddler with choices, an example they gave was if your toddler has a tantrum over getting dressed, instead say, "Let's go upstairs and you can choose which colour shirt you are going to wear today."  And then everything is hunky dory. Hmm, what are the choices to get them upstairs?  How about this? Your choices are "Do what I ask with a side of do what I ask".

Our biggest problem is talking back.  I am scared to think about what her teen years will be like!  We are currently tackling "NO!" and "DON'T TALK TO ME!" and "LEAVE ME ALONE" with Go Directly to the Corner, Do Not Collect $200.

It is called the "Terrible Two's" for reason.  I hope it's the "Terrific Three's" for us next!  3 months to go...

** Disclaimer:
I spend a lot of time discussing the trials and tribulations of a toddler but it's only 5% of the time (although at the time it feels like 95%).  MissE is at a great age, and it's amazing seeing what they learn and retain.  She is very sweet (always says 'thank you for driving her home' or 'thank you for playing with me') and continues to say the darndest things.

Two to make you smile
One day, MissE was in the shower and she needed to go wee.  She didn't want to get out because it was cold so daddy told her it was okay to go over the drain.  A few days later, Mr.H was picking MissE up from daycare.  She was outside playing with several of the groups.
Teacher D: Eloise, do you want to go wee before you go home?
MissE: No, I just go wee in the shower.
Teacher D, Teacher A, and Teacher J could not hold their laughter.  Mr.H was a little red in the face.
MissE: I like pie pumpkin (not sure why she calls it pie pumpkin)
Me: That's good.  It's mama's favourite
MissE: It's like yum yum dim sum
Me: Huh?
MissE: You know, mama!  It tastes like a spicy don tat.

I don't usually write about me, but here it goes.

When the season is upon us, where the witches bewitch
and the werewolves howl,
My mood starts to twitch
and it soon grows foul.
I miss the pumpkin spiced lattes and visits to the pumpkin patch
I miss the silly Halloween games to find costumes that match.

Next is Thanksgiving, where the table is set,
with roasted turkey and cranberry sauce,
mashed potato and pumpkin pie, don't forget!
This doesn't happen in Oz, it's really their loss.
What I miss most is time with family and old friends,
laughing our jokes and, oh! the memories it lends.

There's Christmas too with the bright lights,
photos with Santa and peppermint mochas, they are pleasin'!
The shoppers are frenzied, ready to fight,
But it's all part of the silly season.
This is Christmas number eight
without my family, but maybe next year... that would be great!

Until next month...
Sneak Preview:  Halloween is around the corner!  Here is MissE trying on a possible costume
Hip hop, hippity hop

And you don't stop!

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