Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Eden is TWO!

What a year it’s been… and so quickly it’s gone.  I feel like we only just celebrated his 1st birthday and was embarking on his first overseas adventure to meet Gung-gung but 365 days have passed.

The meaning of Eden is "pleasure, delightful, delightful paradise".  – Our Baby Namer

Eden continues to live up to his name, he’s a delight.  He is always smiling and so playful.  He is also very cheeky.  He is loving and caring.  He loves nothing more than sitting on the lounge, accepting cuddles!
This year he started walking shortly after his 1st birthday (while in the US!), started day care which he loves (they call him “boss”), rode a horse and most recently experienced snow for the first time.  He is a chatterbox and is now speaking in short sentences.  He’s our little dare-devil and always willing to try any new experience… and jump off any piece of furniture.

Here’s one of my favourite traditions, a slideshow looking back on the year.

Song: Just The Way You Are {Bruno Mars cover} – Maddi Jane 

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