Friday, June 28, 2013

Tropical North Queensland

Yay!  I had just enough leave for this trip… and we were thrilled to be escaping the cold of winter in Sydney. This also marks our first interstate trip in a few years.  We last visited Cairns, QLD on our Babymoon (when we were expecting Eloise) and it was definitely a different trip this time but just as fun. 

Day 1
YAWN!  After a busy yesterday (full day of work plus some, picking up Sabi and the children from day care then dropping off Sabi for her holiday, and packing) it was an early start… very early.  So early, I am not sure why we bothered going to bed.  It was a 3:30am wake-up call and we were en route to the airport at 4am.  I was hoping Eloise and Eden would continue to sleep but they didn’t.  They were up and at ‘em for the 2.5 hour flight.
Batman flying commercial

Although it was much warmer in Cairns, it was raining… pouring but typical tropics, it stopped just as quickly as it started.
Eloise & Pete
Eloise and Eden enjoyed playing with their cousins, Isabella and Matty, and Matty’s pet lizard, Pete, while I had a much needed nap.
That evening we settled in for State of Origin (NSW v QLD) and lucky Mr H picked both the score and margin, banking us $319!  Go Blues!

Day 2

I should have been swimming Green Island today (second chance in September???) but instead we strolled and lunched in Port Douglas then check-in at QT Resort.  QT just celebrated their 1 year birthday.  It had a massive and much needed make-over glamification (much better word) and was, well, sexy.  The resort really needed to have its own post.  See it here as a Wordless Wednesday entry.  We spent the afternoon in the nearly deserted pool and had dinner in-house at Bazaar.
Eloise & George in matching print!
Order up!
We found a friend
Bazaar is described as "an interactive marketplace" where you are invited to speak with the chefs.  We dined on fresh prawns, tasting platters, and dim sums while Eloise and Eden had made-to-order pasta and finished with build-your-own sundaes.  Mr H and I washed ours down with a liquid dessert.  Wink, wink.

How did we sleep?  Well we tried this:

But unfortunately Eden was so excited to have his jie-jie next to him, he couldn’t sleep.  So they both jumped into the king bed and nodded off.  Now, Eloise is another story.  She is the worst person to sleep with (takes after her daddy!)  She insists on sleeping horizontally which means she kicks you all night, she talks and screams in her sleep, and on one of the nights of sharing with her she asked for a cuddle but then started creep her fingers up my back!  Eek, spider!  Poor Mr H ended up sleeping on the sofa bed.

Day 3
This morning we had Breakfast with the Birds.  Eloise and Eden really enjoyed this we could barely get them to sit down and eat!  We had 2 visitors while eating, a Rainbow lorikeet after sausages and a Galah named “Chip”.  They both also liked a gorgeous red parrot who said “Hello and hi”, then involved Eden in a screech-off.
Breakfast with the Birds
Eloise favourite was the pelicans and emu.  She thought it was so funny that they were so much bigger than her.  And that the cassowary liked her Twinkle Toe shoes.
Eden amazed by the size of the emu
Friendly roo's

After we bid the birds and roo’s farewell, we piled into the car and went for a drive.  The road to Cape Tribulation is a fun drive, if you like winding roads, shaded by a rainforest canopy and gorgeous views of the ocean.  Part of the drive is a short punt crossing.  Eloise thought this was so fun!  We are sure we saw a crocodile in the river too!

We stopped for a stretch and lunch at a café called Mason’s.  Mr H and I shared an “Aussie Tasting Plate”: croc, emu and roo burgers with breadfruit chips and garlic & butter choko. The best was the croc burger!

Finally at our destination, we had so much fun running up and down the sandy beach and playing in the water. 

Mr E had to be dragged out of the water (my water baby) as the rain started to fall on us.  Under the coconut trees, we found a coconut and Mr E became his own tourist attraction.  Tourists from all over the world asked to take his photo.  Here is my shot of the moment:

We ended our day trip with a stop at The Daintree Ice Cream Company.  As it rained on us, we enjoyed local-grown home-made ice cream: our assortment was wattle seed, banana, macadamia nut and jackfruit. 

For dinner, we went to our favourite Thai restaurant in Port Douglas, Star of Siam.

Day 4
After breakfast and one last swim at the resort pool before we checked-out, minus Eden’s “Blue Spot” friend.  We looked everywhere for him but it seems Blue Spot loved QT Resort so much, he decided to stay.  
A snapping good time at Hartley's!

Snap, snap!  This was to the crocs!
On today’s itinerary was Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures.  I love this place.  I love the history of the “farm” and that there is so much to see.  We watched the crocodile feeding first.  Eloise was very brave and sat right in the front!  Eden preferred to be held… and after losing Blue Spot, decided Spot wanted to fly too.  Luckily Spot landed on the footpath below rather than with the crocs!
Croc Feeding

Yellow Spot down!  I repeat Yellow Spot down!
At Hartley’s you also get to go for a 30 minute boat ride in their man-made lagoon.  The croc-handler “teases” the crocs making for fantastic photos.
I'm on the boat!

We also toured the croc farm where Eloise and Eden both patted a baby croc.  While checking out the wildlife areas, Mr E saw an older Chinese gentleman and shouted “Gung-gung!”  Only it wasn’t him.  When I told him so, he said “Like Gung-gung”.  We miss you, Gung-gung!

Patting a croc
Yet again, Eden became a tourist attraction.  He is very comfortable with the kangaroos and wallabies.  There was a group of Chinese tourist with us in the enclosure.  When Eden started to bounce and pat the kangaroo’s, the number of cameras that came flying out was pretty hilarious.  Of course, he hammed it up for them too.
Bouncing lessons with a wallaby
Our final stop in Port Douglas region was Shannonvale Winery.  Their wines are made from fruit!  We bought mango and lycee wine.

That evening, Auntie Fiona offered to watch Eloise and Eden for us so we could have a date night.  Yay, first once since… September?  Can that be right???   We had dinner at l’unico.

Day 5: Ironman

Today was Ironman.  We spent the late morning in Cairns, playing in the Esplanade and watching the finishers.  It was very inspiring…I am vowing to do more swims!  I wrote it down so call me up on it!  Yay to Fee, Nat, and Sam for their 3rd place finish in the women’s team relay!
Splashing in The Esplanade

Double-fist bumps with cousin Izzy

Cousin Matty & Eloise
After being asked several times for “Blue Spot”, Blue Spot 2.0 was purchased found at the local grocery store. Shh!

Day 6: Our last day- BOO!
We had breakfast at Trinity Beach on our last morning in the warm sunshine.

For lunch we did one last drive to Mareeba to visit Coffee World, then it was time for Eden and my flight.
300 sunny days a year!

I was slightly nervous especially since Mr E has a hard time staying still plus it was a full flight… oh and I was on my own!  But he was so good!  We had a bit of time before boarding so we got chicken nuggets and fries.  He was still eating when we needed to board so he continued to eat while watching the baggage handlers and the plan take-off.  Soon he was done and we were well into the air.  He made a friend behind us, Eliza, who was a younger woman.  He liked to pop up and say “hello” to her.  I put Rio on the iPad and within 30 minutes he was asleep!

I had an hour to myself… I didn’t know what to do!  Luckily the woman in the seat next to me was lovely and offered her gossip magazines.  She was also very helpful in picking up items when it was time to disembark.  Yes, he slept all the way through and only let out a cry here and there when I had to change his position to be able to pick-up our bags.  Everything was working with me because as soon as I got to the baggage claim, our bag came out and as soon as I stepped outside, the car park shuttle was there! 

Home at last, Eden was tucked into his bed and I had a very quiet house!

Day 7
Eden and I were back to the ole grind.  He was happy to wake up in his own home and desperate to play with his trains but we had to go to day-care.  At day-care, he was excited to tell his teachers about his adventures “Snap-snap and roo!” and to see Hayley, his girlfriend.  Meanwhile Mr H and Eloise were delayed 3 hours due to fog in Sydney.  What is this?  San Francisco?  They finally arrived in the early afternoon.

MissE (and Mr E too) Says the Darnedest Things: Cairns & Port Douglas Edition
On arrival to Cairns, MissE: Daddy, what country are we in?
Side note: I was also slightly confused on the time.  Queensland does not have daylight savings so I wasn’t sure what time it was!

What’s Your Name?
At any wildlife park or really, anywhere, we would tell Eden the animal or reptiles’ name.
Me: Eden, the croc’s name is “Sollie”.
Eden: No! Name “Snap snap!”
Me: Eden, the bird’s name is “Hudson”.
Eden: No!  Name “Tweet tweet”.
On the flight home, he made a friend with the baby sitting behind us.
Eden: Hello baby!
Eliza’s mother: Hello.  Her name is Eliza.  What’s your name?
Eden: Name… E-DEN!

Thank you to the Dix Family for letting us stay… and we might show up on your doorstep again in September for my second-chance swim!  (Hmm… better get into the pool!)

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