Thursday, April 19, 2012

Movie Icons Pram Liner

Okay, I will admit it.  In my pre-sewing machine days, I paid upwards of $45 for a funky pram liner to pimp my pram.  Have a look on eBay and they are that price and more!  Now that I have a few sewing projects under my belt and an upgraded pram, I thought  "How easy is this?  It's fabric, fleece and wadding."  I bought the perfect fabric from Spoonflower back in December (yay for free shipping at Christmas to Australia!) and had my hot little hands on my new bugaboo bee + so now I needed to figure out how to do it.
Movie Icons fabric by Studiofibonacci
I searched and searched Google for a tutorial with a free pattern but turned up nothing with a pattern.  If the average mom knew just how easy it was to make it themselves, they wouldn't put out the $45 for it, right?  Hence the lack of patterns.  However there are plenty of tutorials on 'how to make a pattern' so I used the seat (removed from base) and shaped and cut newspaper around the seat.  I then added 1 inch (very generous) for the seam allowance and ta-da!  bugaboo bee + pattern!
To make my pram liner even easier, I used pre- quilted wadding (or quilted calico) as my back piece (the red fabric) as I am not planning to reverse my pram liner so it was only 2 pieces to sew together.
 Pre-quilted wadding cut to pattern & bee + seat
I sewed my fabric and the pre-quilted wadding right sides facing, leaving an opening to turn it right side out.  After a quick iron, I sewed the opening shut.

Almost complete!

Next was the most difficult part.  The slots for the straps.  Since the pram liner will only be used for one pram, I could mark the exact spots the straps would come through.  I thought, "Easy!  I'll use the button-hole function on my sewing machine".  Ha,ha.  My sewing machine does not make large enough button-holes.  After searching for a few hours on how to get around this, and nearly breaking my button-hole foot, I knew I was going to have to do it manually.  End of story: the slots are not as neat as I would like them but do their job.

Now VOILA!  Behold, my pram liner:

Fabric: $18.00/ yard (I used 1/2 yard)
Pre-quilted wadding: $7.80 / metre Thank you Spotlight Easter 40% off all fabric sale!  (I used 1/2 yard)
Total Cost: $12.90

My bugaboo bee + now draws many stares when we are out and about for both my cutie and my pram liner!

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