Mr.E is 5 months
Mr.E weighs 18 lbs and 3 oz. (8.3kg) and is 31 inches (79cm) in length. He is well into size 6 months plus (sometimes 9 months plus) clothing. He's so chubby that today, I sat him down in his high chair for breakfast and his little button on his jeans popped open!
Mr.E has officially rolled, three times in fact. The first time he landed on his face and cried. The following 1-2 times after were successful but hard work to get his tummy and legs over. He has decided it wasn't worth it and simply rolls to his side for the change of scenery. (Our nurse has said that big babies take a long time to roll or just simply don't roll much at all).
This month Mr.E started solids. At his 4 month check-up, his nurse suggested we start him on solids sooner rather than later as he was showing signs of readiness (these were: still needing feeds every 3 hours and waking at 5-6am hungry). He didn't mind his first spoons of rice cereal and loved apple, pear and banana but isn't such a fan of carrot and sweet potato puree.
Ready to eat! |
Mmm, rice cereal |
Mr.E loves playing peek-a-boo with his blanket or a towel. He plays it whether or not you are playing with him. Any time he gets a hold of his blanket or towel, it goes over his face. I am continually stopped by "concerned" mothers at shopping centres, exclaiming "Your baby!" as they pull the blanket off his face. What they find is Mr.E smiling at them and as soon as the concerned woman drops the blanket, it goes back over his face.
Where's Eden? |
Mr.E trying to lay a big kiss on his sister |
Our house is proudly a Dora Free Zone. I am not a fan. She may teach young children spanish but she yells and unintentionally teaches aggression. Swiper is a fox that appears in every episode. When he appears, Dora and her friends put out their hands (as to say stop) and tell him "Swiper, no swiping". MissE has started to put her hand out like that when she doesn't like what you or her friend is doing. Unfortunately the action looks like she is going to hit, and her friends think so too but they react and hit her first. We are teaching her not to do that and thus we no longer allow Dora The Explorer. And proud of it!
MissE's favourite show is Team Umizoomi, so much so, during our weekend away she started to go through withdrawals, continually asking to watch it even in the car. And when we were packing up to leave, she was happy to go home so she would watch Team Umizoomi.
She is starting to phase out "baby" shows (Sesame Street, In The Night Garden) in favour of Team Umizoomi, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins. She loves when Little Einsteins visit Egypt and see The Stinks (The Sphinx).
MissE is starting to reject her nap (boo!) so we've introduced "rest time". We first tried allowing her to stay in her playroom, lie down on the floor with a pillow and blanket to quietly watch TV however she was not sleeping and every 20 minutes would shout at me to change the channel. She can now either lie down in my room (which she loves) and sleep, or play quietly by herself in her room for an hour. There is no talking during this time (my ears need a break!). It has been working quite well because most of the time, she is falling asleep and napping!MissE's favourite show is Team Umizoomi, so much so, during our weekend away she started to go through withdrawals, continually asking to watch it even in the car. And when we were packing up to leave, she was happy to go home so she would watch Team Umizoomi.
She is starting to phase out "baby" shows (Sesame Street, In The Night Garden) in favour of Team Umizoomi, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins. She loves when Little Einsteins visit Egypt and see The Stinks (The Sphinx).
The most glorious night ever...
On one of these days where Eloise refused to nap, she was obviously tired. We were having dinner when I noticed that Mr.H and I were actually having a conversation without being interrupted or being yelled at because we weren't talking to her or having to get up every few minutes for water or milk or a new napkin. I asked her if she was feeling okay and she asked to go to bed after dinner. She went to bed at 7pm with Baby E. Mr.H and I didn't know what to do with ourselves... it was the best night ever!
MissE says the darndest things
MissE: Mama, can you paint my toes purple?
Me: Yes, if you are a good girl.
MissE: I will be good... next week.
MissE: Mama, I had a dream last night!
Me: What did you dream about?
MissE: I had a dream about animals.
Me: What were they doing?
MissE: A giraffe was in my bed. He was being very quiet so I could sleep.
Share a Coke with...
There are marketing geniuses at Coca-Cola Australia! Their current marketing campaign is about 'Sharing a Coke' with (insert name here) and the great times you have over Coke. I am not a big soda drinker but I love this campaign. If your name is not one of the top 150 names Australians have voted on, you can visit one of their kiosks to create a custom can. I did one for all of us (excluding Sabi):
*No children were given Coke in this event. MissE HATE bubble drinks!
Until next time... Mr.E turns 6 months!
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