Sunday, March 6, 2011

Self-professed Craft Nerd

I am a Craft Nerd.  There is nothing I like more getting a new craft book, pouring over each pattern and deciding which to do first.  Or the delight I feel when the super-cute fabric I ordered from my favorite online fabric shop arrives ( and .  And even more fabulous, I actually have the time to turn my weekend sewing projects to during the week projects!  (See 'Just Call Me Petra Pan')

Here's some of the projects I've been working on:

We're all expecting in my Mother's Group, and what better way to celebrate a new arrival than with a handmade gift.  These were made for this "spurt" of new arrivals (January and February births).

Animal bunting made for Cameron

Reversible dress for Sofia

Back of dress with reversible-side showing

Reversible dress for Lana (the apples are perfect for her mama who is a teacher)

Back of dress with reversible-side showing
I love Japanese 'Kawaii' fabric, especially the fairy tale designs.  I often think it's too cute to use though!  Even though MissE is too big for a fairy tale quilt, my craft goal is still to make her one. 

I love this fabric!  (Created by Kukubee, and purchased on Spoonflower) I thought it was perfect for the 'Toddler Pinafore Smock Top' from One-Yard Wonders.  It's a bit too big for MissE at the moment but she'll grow into it. 
This book is fantastic for easy sewing projects, using only one yard (or there is an Australian version, One-Metre Wonders).

I am currently trolling my favourite fabric websites for 'inspiration' to make No.2's crib set.  I have it narrowed down to 5, all very different of course!

When I am not sewing, I love felties!  They are so fun... and cute.  What's the perfect for someone who loves Halloween and felties?  Zombie Felties: How to raise 16 gruesome felt creatues from the undead by Nicola Tedman and Sarah Skeate.  I can't wait to start the "uprising"!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Terrible Two's... Oh my!

Well, it's official... I have been fully inducted into the Terrible Two's by the President and Founder, MissE.  Not a day goes by without at least 3 tanrums thrown for reasons we can't seem to understand.  For example, last night, there were tears over her pink fork being the wash.  This morning, there were tears because "I want mama toast" which was the same as what she had on her plate.

We also now have to repeat ourselves several times before the toddler selective hearing processes.  You can just see their minds thinking "Hmm... I hear mama but I don't really want to listen.  Let's see how long I can __(insert naughty behavior here)___ for".

And there's the smarty-pants talk.  I don't think MissE means it and sometimes it makes us giggle a bit.  For example, if we do what she asked us to, we get a "Good girl, mama" and if we are lucky enough, "Good listening mama".

MissE has now been moved to a 'big girl' bed.  She loves that she can climb in and out of bed (I don't!).  The first week was great!  She stayed put until the morning then came into our room for cuddles and to ask for breakfast.  Then came week two.  We don't want to be woken up several times a night with "Wakey wakey!"  We are currently walking her back to her room several times a night... so to be continued.

Next up is potty training.  We seem to of gone backwards... and it was partially our fault.  She wanted to train quite early, before 2.  We were busy with work and didn't have the time to be consistant with her, but she was still happy to sit on her little potty when she had the chance... until the "No.2 Incident".  MissE deposited her first number 2, saw what she just "did" then promptly burst into tears and has refused to sit on that particular potty ever since.  It's laughable to us but apparently, very normal.  Yesterday we had a breakthrough thanks to the "award" of getting stickers for her chart, but today it seems we've been doing a lot of cleaning up rather than awarding.  We'll keep trying and at some point it will click into place, right?
What else is there to do but have a good catch-up!
But saying that, there is also a lot of good about being TWO.

MissE has great verbal skills and speaks in sentences.  I am now one of those parents that ask her what she did today at "school" (daycare) or what she had for lunch and she remembers!  Yesterday she had "Pizza- ham, cheese and I don't like tomato".  She heard Daddy telling a story about a Huntsman Spider in his car while driving and having to man-up to hit it.  She has now adapted that as her own story and often re-tells it with "Eloise hit Itsy Bitsy (all spiders are Itsy Bitsy's of course).  Yuck!"

She also loves to sing... and sing she does, non-stop.  Her favorites are "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Itsy Bisty Spider, "Hokey Pokey", and "Happy Birthday".  I should be somewhere between 106-113 if the number of times we've sung "Happy Birthday" to mama matches my actual age.  MissE even makes up her own songs now, below is the "Jellyfish Song".

Kids Says the Darndest Things... MissE's sings he classic "Old Macdonald" with a twist.

She also made up one called "Hey Goodmorning" which is basically "hey goodmorning" repeated over and over, with a few "goodmorning friends" and "goodmorning Nancy" (her teacher at daycare) thrown in.  She is also acquiring great taste in music.  She LOVES her Bob Marley.  Funnily enough, she always has.  I listened to Bob Marley when I was pregnant with her and as a newborn, turning on Rockabye Baby Lullaby Renditions of Bob Marley would instantly settle her.

With the last days of summer upon us, we spend at least one day on the weekend at the beach.  We recently "discovered" Greenwich Baths which is a great family beach.  The beach is clean, there is SHADE, and the water is roped off so there are virtually no waves.  MissE was happy to sit on the edge of the water and play in the "sandpit".  There is a small cafe with the all important COFFEE, burgers/ sandwiches and gelato.
At Greenwich Baths

Sandy kisses for Daddy

The only way I'll stay put!
And here's our little "ham" after a bath:
Baby Gaga