Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hello Spring.

Father’s Day
We had a quiet Father’s Day… Eloise asked daddy what he wanted to do and of course, it was a trip to Bunnings.
I helped Eloise put this together (Eden contributed too)
We also attended a Father’s Day breakfast at pre-school/ day care.

OBF Pop-up Food Trucks
You had me at food trucks.  It was far from the Norcal food truck scene but it was food trucks… and they tried.  Good effort!  They were part of the Orange Blossom and Country Music Festival in Castle Hill.

We spent an unseasonably warm Friday night tasting a few delights with the best being from the Masterchef food truck: pulled pork sandwich.  Eloise scoffed half of it!  Unfortunately the pork belly bun was no Chairman Bao.

Over ice cream, we lounged on bean bags and listened to the musical acts.  Eden loved the singing and dancing.

P*ss Off, I’ve Voted!
In America, it’s all about Rockin’ the Vote… here, it’s about sausages.  Just kidding, kind of.  There really are a lot of sausages… I’m not sure if there are official stats on sausage sizzles but there was an app to tell you which local voting place had sausages.  Even though it was my first time voting, we opted to vote ahead of Election Day just because we have better things to do on a Saturday morning. 

Bug Business!
The pre-school had a bug incursion… one was brave and the other one wasn’t.  From Mr E there was a lot of “Eww!  Yuck!”
Spike on Eloise's head

MissE & Mr E Say the Darnedest Things
My little Homer Simpson
Eden: What doing today?
Me: It’s school day.
Eden: Oh. I want to go to the shops.
Me: What do you want at the shops?
Eden: Cookies.
A few minutes later, I told Mr H about Eden wanting to go to the shops.
Mr H: What do you want to buy at the shops, Eden?
Eden: Buy donuts.  Purple one.  Purple bag.

Brain Surgeon
Me: Eloise, did you do any workbook pages today?
Eloise: Beep, beep, beep.  (Pretending to be on the phone) Doctor, can you order me a new brain?  This one is very forgetful!

Adventure by Eloise
Not only does she say funny things, she draws and "writes" stories too.  Her favourite activity is "writing" stories and here is one of them.  {While she is very clever, she isn't quite up to writing yet.  She gets help from her teachers to tell her story... but sometimes, traces the words}.

Miss Eloise
We continue to have our good and bad days.  Unfortunately when it’s a bad day, she needs an exorcist.  Our main problem is that she often takes it out on Eden.  Poor little man gets kicked, hit or screamed at.  Then, it’s just brat-itude and a whole lot of it.  We get into arguments like this -
MissE: If I have a nap today, can I watch a movie when I wake up?  If you don’t let me watch a movie, I won’t have a nap.
Me: It doesn’t work that way.
MissE: Fine.  I will have a nap.  (Doesn’t nap)
MissE: Can I watch a movie?
Me: No movie because you didn’t nap.
MissE: If you don’t let me watch a movie, I am going to be naughty.
Me: No, Eloise, it doesn’t work like that.
MissE: I told you, if you want me to be good, you have to let me watch a movie.
Me: Sighs in exasperation.

While she is officially an Iron Tiger, taekwondo is currently on term break so she doesn’t have that extra outlet for her energy.  We are counting down the days until the new term starts.

Nice kick!
Mr Eden
Mr E is trying very hard to use BIG sentences.  It’s all very cute, even if it's often a broken sentence or long pauses inbetween.  On the way home from pre-school/ daycare, he fights with Eloise to tell us about his day.
Eden: “MAMA!”
Me: Yes, Eden.
Eden: I… went sleep.
Me: That’s good.
Eden: In Shelia’s room.
Me: You had a sleep today?
Eden: Yes. I had sleep. In Shelia’s room.

Eden: Today.  Adam hit me. On tummy.
Me: Oh dear.  Are you okay?
Eden: Yes.  I cry.  Shelia give me cuddles. No hit Adam!

He has adjusted really well to his new day-care room.  Miss Shelia calls him her little helper/ mini-teacher.  He often reminds his friends of their manners and do's and don'ts'.

There is a lot of love in that room.  We had to wait a few minutes for hugs all around before we could leave yesterday.

I spent a lovely, record-breaking Spring day (it was 31c/88F making it the hottest start to Spring on record) with a few of my mama friends celebrating a birthday and coming birthday in 5 weeks!  It was a gorgeous high tea and the best company.  We are all looking forward to Baby W’s arrival!

And the mama’s had a night out for teppanyaki!  For the record, I missed the egg (twice - raw and cooked) but caught the bowl of rice hurled my way.

Until next time!
Sneak preview: an exciting and wonderful learning opportunity coming my way!
I'm going to need these...