Friday, November 18, 2011

Two E's and Me (October/November)

Golden Ridge Farm
MissE's play group decided to spend the day on the farm this month.  Activities included: a barn walk where we got to feed goats, ram, sheep, cows, llamas, and deer; holding of chicks, ducklings, and bunnies; feeding a kid and lamb from a bottle; milking a cow (wow!); and MissE's favourite part of the day, riding a pony.
Come'n get it!


Pony ride

Eden came too!

Sydney Aquarium
Mr.H's Family Day this year was the Sydney Aquarium and Wild Life World in Darling Harbour.  MissE has been to the aquarium several times and enjoys it each time.  Her favourite are the large sting rays in the Shark Tunnel.  Funnily enough, she fell asleep on the drive home and was talking in her sleep "In the tunnel... sting ray".
Sydney Aquarium

The Reef has a calming effect on Mr.E

I see you!

Optus Penguin

Patting a snake (I'm not scared!)
Sydney Wildlife World
Wombat enjoying a nap
Playing interactive games
In the afternoon, we cooled off with a swim.  Mr.E went for his first swim and is a natural swimmer.  He spent 30 minutes kicking away and even did his first submersion at 3 months and 5 days without a tear!

This is the life! (Eden and his friend, Ally)

Eden's 1st swim
Happy Halloween

It was odd not browsing all the party shops for our not-annual-Halloween party this year but we still managed to have fun thanks to Network Canada.  They put on a Kids Halloween Party at The Argyle Hotel (in the Rocks) with hide-and-seek treats, mummy wrapping and a children's theatre show (Go Seek). Little Red Riding Hood enjoyed herself (until she saw a few monsters) and Superbaby crashed hard on one of the lounges in the midst of it all.
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad WOOF

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPERBABY!

Mummy wrap

Exhausted from a day of fighting crime


Little Red Riding Hood Vampire
Halloween night, we joined in on a friend's Halloween Party at her residential estate.  Run by an American ex-pat, the children decorate treat bags, show off their costumes in a costume parade and then trick-or-treat within the estate.  MissE was a bit weary of the masks but she decided getting "lots and lots" of candy outweighed  having to be near the scary creatures of the night.  There was a proclamation that "Trick-or-treating is my favourite" and a big smile on her face at the end of the night.
Decorating my bag

Costume Parade

Oo! Treats!

Trick 'o Treat!

Quick, on to the next house!

Kellyville Pets
After a long cold winter, summer is here... however this year it brought flies.  And flies that bite.  Poor Sabi is suffering from fly bite on her ears.  Luckily there is a fantastic pet store which is also a fun outing for toddlers (and daddy too).

Here fishy, fishy!
Kid Zone
MissE has a lot of hair.  Her first hair cut was done by Gung-gung (at 18 months), her second was done after daddy had his haircut at the not-so-cheap-as-they-make-it-out-to-be Just Cuts (at 2 years old), and she's had a few home-cuts by me.  But after the last 2 home-cuts which ended in (a) crooked bangs and (b) curved bangs, so it's back to the professionals!
I've been on the lookout for an affordable child-focused hair dresser for some time (the key word is affordable, there are plenty in Sydney but I refuse to pay $37 for a child's haircut!).  Funnily enough, leave it to someone that has been in the country for 3 weeks (and in the area for 10 days) to find it!
MissE was all smiles.  She picked between 2 motorbike seats and was impressed that the buttons actually worked!  She was very good, following the directions given to her.  She even let Melanie braid her hair. She was thrilled when she was rewarded with a sticker and lollipop for being a good girl.  I was thrilled to be given a coffee (this was after being in the ER with Mr.E all night who was resting at home with daddy)!

And after

"Well, Hello there Big Baby!"

Eden is 4 months.  He now weighs 17 lbs 19 oz. and is 29.5 inches long.

This month, he is working on rolling.  He has been trying very hard to roll.  He kicks and kicks until he can kick his legs over to the side and he stays on his side for a few seconds... then he rolls back onto his back.
So close!
Mr.E and Koala

"I'm going to be 3 soon" (MissE)
And apparently this means ATTITUDE!  What's she going to be like when she's 10? 13? 16?

MissE is recovering from a nasty stomach bug that had her in bed for 2 days (we had a vomit bucket).  She was a very good patient for the doctor and was even telling me what she could and couldn't have/ do: "Dr.Tong said only a little water".  "Dr.Tong said no kisses or cuddles for Eden" and her favourite one "Dr.Tong said I could have ice cream". Now unfortunately, Baby E has the same bug. See "Mr.E's Big Scare" post.

Finally, some funnies from MissE:
MissE is learning feelings.  She tells us what makes her happy, sad and proud.  Which lead to this:
MissE: Conor yelled at me.
Me: You mean daddy?
MissE: No, Conor.  I'm mad at daddy.
and also this.
MissE: Daddy, are you happy with me?
Mr.H: Yes.  Are you happy with me?
MissE: No.
Mr.H: How come?
MissE: Because you yell at me sometimes.

Mr.H: MissE, are you going to get dressed?  It's 10am and you are still in your pyjamas.
MissE: Don't worry daddy, I will get dressed now.
MissE is currently learning how to put on and take off her own shirt.  It's funny, you don't realise that it's a pretty difficult thing to do!

Until next time...
and boy is MissE excited for Christmas!

Mr.E's Big Scare

The last few days have been rough in the H household:

On Sunday, MissE started to complain of a sore mouth and on Monday, she refused to eat.  I should have known she was sick when she pushed her babyccino away.  She had a long nap and said she was feeling better, however that night, she paid us a visit in our room.  Mr.H walked her back to her room, and they fell asleep until she woke up and started vomiting.  The vomiting continued into the morning earning her a vomit bucket.  She vomited on the way to her doctor, at the doctor's office and coming home from the doctor with the diagnosis of gastroenteritis.  At home, she sipped on apple juice and we set up a little bed for her in her play room.  She spent the rest of the day watching her shows and sleeping.  Soon the vomiting subsided and she was asking to try food.  We started with a very small portion of Macaroni and Cheese which she kept down, and had an early night (we lined her bed with towels just in case).  The next morning, I knew she was on the mend when she told me she was "starving" and ate 4 bowls of cereal, 2 slices of toast and 1 banana.  She is still having longer than normal naps but is back to being MissE.

On Wednesday, Mr.E started to act not his usual happy self.  After his afternoon nap, I picked him up and he started screaming... and screaming.  I could do nothing but hold him and try to rock him to sleep.  If I moved the tiniest bit, he would wake up and scream.  He had a fever that evening so I gave him some Panadol and hoped it would help him sleep.  It did for a few hours, but I spent most of the evening in his room.  On Thursday late morning, he was the same, feverish and screaming.  Any movement made him scream.  Mr.H said he looked a bit pale.  After putting some pressure on his arms, legs, back and stomach to see if he was hurt, we noticed how hard his stomach was.  I got an appointment with his doctor right away.
At his doctor, because of he is so young, he preferred us going to the hospital as a precaution.  The hospital could run tests if necessary.  So off we went to Hornsby Hospital (where he was born).  The Emergency Room nurses saw us immediately.  They gave him more Panadol and we stripped him to cool off.  We were taken to the paediatrics section and saw Dr. David Badzinga (I'm not making this up!).  He ordered an ultrasound after I told him of Mr.E's stomach.  The ultrasound found that his bowel looked a bit odd, an intussusception (the bowel folds in on itself), and we would need to go to Westmead Children's Hospital for a second opinion and possible treatment.
Meanwhile, as Dr. David spoke with the surgeon at Westmead and prepared Mr.E's necessary paperwork for the transfer, Mr.E tested low sugar and was given sucrose and would also need fluid via an IV.  Unfortunately, they had to put in a cannula.  It was very difficult as infant's veins are so small.  After both his arms and hands were poked, I burst into tears.  They were able to put the cannula in his foot.  A few minutes after his IV was flowing, Mr.E did a number 3 and suddenly, he was much happier.  He stopped crying and was happy to lie on the bed, kicking his legs and looking at the lights.  I knew he was starting to feel better!
By the time Mr.H organised friend's to look after MissE and arrived at the hospital, the ambulance had also arrived.  Mr.E was now smiling again!  He still looked very cute sitting in a baby seat strapped to a stretcher.  The ER nurses came to see him off.
On the way to Westmead Children's Hospital
The paramedics were very nice and gave him a teddy bear (knitted by Girl Scouts).  He slept on the drive to Westmead Children's Hospital.
My new bear (in the ambulance)
At Westmead, because they knew we were arriving, we were seen fairly quickly by Dr. Eleanor but had to wait some time for the surgeon to see Mr.E.  Mr.E was 75% himself, passing a few more number 2's.  He was happy to lie in the cot with his new bear.
When Dr.Emir (the surgeon) came to see Mr.E, his stomach was now soft and it was not painful to touch.  After a review of his ultrasound, Dr.Emir believed he had gastroenteritis and the bowel intussusception was very minor (due to the gastroenteritis), and will right itself.  Relief!  Mr.E just needed to provide a urine sample and if it was clear, we could go home!  Mr.E has no problem wee-ing on us at home but it took some time for him to go in the hospital.  In the end, more was on me and Mr.H than in the little sample cup but it was enough to be tested and for us to be discharged.
Just past midnight, we picked up MissE (who refused to go to sleep, waiting for us) and we were finally home!
Today, he is acting more like my happy little boy (even having a little giggle) but still has a sore tummy after feeding (he's eating normally again too).  It will take a few days for the "bug" to be flushed out and he will re-visit the doctor next week for a follow-up.  Although it was a long afternoon and evening for us, we are happy that we know what was wrong and that it's not too serious.